Craig Swag Open for Business

Jun 14, 2012 photo, photography

Craig Swag is up and running. After 8 years and a 100gb hard drive filled with my photography, I figured it was time to open up a shop. After all thousands of cool images are just sitting on my hard drive doing nothing, might as well get them out into cyber space and share them with the world.

Craig Swag is a work in progress. As I will be adding more and more photos as time goes by, after all I said I have over a thousand photos. That means lots of editing and sorting out the good from the bad. It is built on opencart and using paypal as the checkout system. I will also be adding to the design over time. So for now it is pretty standard shopping cart layout.

So go check it out, and buy something to decorate your house, or apartment!

Update: I had to switch servers and haven’t got around to uploading my shopping cart database. Currently Craig Swag is on hold.