CR2 File format fix – Adobe Bridge & Photoshop CS4 on Mac

Oct 07, 2017 articles, photography

Two whole days to work out a fix for Adobe Bridge not previewing my camera raw extension on my Canon 7D. I just recently switched form PC to Mac and had to buy a whole new version of Photoshop. CS4 is old but still works great! I don’t really believe in the cloud model of business, so I bought me a copy of CS4 online. And for the initial install had the old version of Camera Raw 5.0 something. After searching online for days, I finally came across a fix!

Adobe Camera Raw Updater!

Adobe wasn’t finding any updates and I did manage to do a manual update on Photoshop for at least Photoshop to read the CR2 file extension, but for some reason it wasn’t reading the same Camera Raw file in Bridge. Here is the solution! So easy, can’t believe it took 2 whole days of Googling to find this, all the forums kept saying the same thing that wasn’t working for me.