Archive for the ‘photography’ Category

CR2 File format fix – Adobe Bridge & Photoshop CS4 on Mac

Oct 07, 2017 articles, photography

Two whole days to work out a fix for Adobe Bridge not previewing my camera raw extension on my Canon 7D. I just recently switched form PC to Mac and had to buy a whole new version of Photoshop. CS4 is old but still works great! I don’t really believe in the cloud model of […]


So you want to be a professional photographer?

Apr 10, 2015 photo, photography

Photography is a very over saturated market. Anyone with a handful of cash can go get a professional camera and start calling themselves a photographer. But a fancy camera and a self imposed title doesn’t make you a professional. When it comes to photography lighting is key. Stop shooting natural light for portrait photography and […]


Product Photography done right!

Nov 01, 2014 photography

Today I was looking up product photographers to see some competition. I found some good ones and not so good ones. Then I stumbled onto some tutorials and of course I had to take a gander! Now the funny thing about the internet is there is good content and generic piece of crap content that […]


Stock Status aka $stock in OpenCart – How to stylize Stock Status

May 02, 2013 photography

A quick guide to stylize Stock Status in OpenCart You can customize the Stock Status text in OpenCart via the admin panel. If you aren’t sure how just go to System > Localisation > Stock Statuses Easy enough. But what if you want to stylize the In Stock vs Out of Stock. Simple CSS won’t […]


Craig Swag Open for Business

Jun 14, 2012 photo, photography

Craig Swag is up and running. After 8 years and a 100gb hard drive filled with my photography, I figured it was time to open up a shop. After all thousands of cool images are just sitting on my hard drive doing nothing, might as well get them out into cyber space and share them […]


Jewelry Photography on white?

Jun 05, 2012 articles, photo, photography

So everyone knows that the internet shops like their white backgrounds. But is shooting jewelry on white really the way to go? I will admit done right shooting products on white create a clean look. Now with gold, white might not be a bad thing to shoot on. But with silver, well it gives off […]


Positive energy with Negative Ions

Nov 12, 2011 photography, portfolio

Magnet and Negative Ion Bracelet @ IonLoop The world is made up of positive ions and negative ions… in nature, for instance, positive ions (the bad guys) come from the sun in the form of UV rays which fatigue the body. In our modern environment positive ions are produced by everyday electronic devices such as […]


Dallas Zombie Walk 2011

Oct 16, 2011 photography

You know it is October when Zombies take over the city!  Dallas Zombie Walk 2011.


Photoshop Lessons – Tutorials

Aug 23, 2011 articles, photography

Photoshop Lessons & Tutorials I have been giving lessons in Dallas for Photoshop for a few years now. Some people prefer more of a hands on, in person approach when it comes to Photoshop lessons or tutorials. Personally I am a visual person, so videos are probably the easiest way for me to learn. I […]


Best Business Practices for Photographers

Jul 27, 2011 books, photography

Must Read for Commercial Photographers I came across this book about a year ago, but decided to revisit it and really soak up all the great information that it has to offer. If you want to make it as a commercial photographer or product photographer this is a must read.  The whole book is packed […]