Writing the Perfect Blog Post

May 17, 2014 articles, seo

Blogging has become more of a way to get traffic through organic search than it is about writing small snippets of blog entries. Most blog posts are thought out, pre-planned, keyword researched, and generally looking at what other people have posted on the subject matter. It is much more involved if you are blogging to get traffic. A good blog post engages the reader, gets social media buzz and most importantly ranks high in Google.

So what makes the perfect blog post?

First the length and how engaging the post is. Generally content driven post that answers a question that people might be seeking. A question and  answer style approach, or a number list.  Giving a hierarchy of style information helps the reading get straight to the important parts. Copy that has a strong opinion or knowledge associated with it, people don’t like reading “general public” articles. Save that for the newspapers, or journalist out there. A good blog post has a voice, it has a strong opinion on the subject matter. It show expertise in the subject matter.

Lets not forget the eye balls!
Adding images and even video help engage the reader with some visual stimuli. Let’s not forget about appeasing the visual senses. A well written article does engage the reader but adding some visual interest engages them even more!

Is Longer better?
So how long should your post be? Well generally a 600 word blog post used to be the normal recommended length, but over the years it has gone beyond that. And generally 800-1000 word blog post shows “authority”, and Google just loves long content rich blog posts!

What about SEO?
And lets not forget the important search engine factors, like post title, meta data, keyword density, and linking to creditable sources, like wikipedia or big brand authority sites.

All of these things will help you write the perfect blog post over and over again.
Want to learn more about the perfect blog post? Checkout the infographic graphic below.

Via: blogpros.com